Alena Bukilic
Web developer and designer
I’m currently available for freelance / full-time work.
I started to code about eight months ago and I absolutely loved it. Couple months before that I started researching all the possibilities on how to become a self-taught web developer. I was lucky enough to discover freeCodeCamp and HarvardX's CS50 course and that is how my learning began.
For me, coding is a unique skill and knowledge between engineering and art. You have the ability to make something out of nothing and still, that can be used in solving practical, real-life problems as well as encourage critical opinion and make a permanent impact on society. The possibilities are endless and the knowledge is infinite, perfect for imaginative and ambitious people who dare to never stop dreaming about the impossible.
Acquiring those skills and knowledge really changed my life because it taught me two important lessons: it is never too late to change your career or your life and the hardest and most challenging stuff in life are the most rewarding.
PartyPlan, 08/2015 – 07/2017. Organizing all types of events, from business conferences to team buildings and corporate parties. Official company’s website design, editing, and maintenance. HarvardX, 06/2017 – 12/2017. The introductory course in computer science from Harvard University. The course covers concepts such as algorithms, data structures, machine learning, internet and world wide web, in programming languages such as C, Python, and JavaScript. freeCodeCamp, 05/2017 – 11/2017. Online learning platform, based on practical front-end projects. Covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, Ajax through 10 real-life projects such as Local Weather App, Calculator App, Tic Tac Toe Game and many more. Startit Centre in Belgrade, 06/2017-08/2017. Intensive web design and development course with the main focus on technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Startit Centre in Belgrade, 03/2017 – 05/2017. Intensive WordPress course organized by GoDaddy with the main focus on developing custom WordPress themes. University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science,
Event Manager and Web Designer
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
Front End Development Program
Web Development Course
WordPress Academy
Master’s degree, International Relations
Bachelor’s degree, International Relations