First I would like to paint a picture of my background, which I think is necessary to clarify the title of this text. A year ago, I really did not know anything about programming. Even something I thought I know was actually misinterpreted information. So, before I was 28, I never wrote a line of code, did not edit a post in WordPress, did not access the cPanel, didn’t make an animation or a logo in online editors, etc. I only knew that I wanted to change my career in that direction, and for starters create something simple but still, mine. The process of discovering new pieces of information was chaotic. I got the impression that in some things, I first learned to drive a bus and then a car. Such approach is more challenging and easier to give up. That’s why I got the idea to start writing a blog about my career change and learning to code. Somebody might find it useful and learn the right thing at the right time.
It all started with a research on game development. I’ve always played games, I would like to make them one day. Nevertheless, by googling (the inevitable activity of anyone who wants to do this job) and long-term reading of various texts, I concluded that for somebody in my position, web programming is the easiest to master (and is not easy at all).
I’ll try to explain professional terms (which were completely unknown to me) in the simplest way I can. Scholar definitions were often just confusing for a laic like me.
Web programming or web development consists of two parts front-end and back-end. Front-end web development is most commonly related to the look, design, and functionality of a website or a web application, that the user sees and can interact with. Back-end, on the other hand, refers to the database and server part of a website or a web application, from which the user is isolated. The combination of the two is Full Stack Web Development, whereby the person who works in front-end and back-end technologies is called a full stack developer.
My path was to first work with front-end technologies. This is not and does not have to be a developmental path for everyone. I will be writing about the phases I went through with the appropriate sources I worked form.